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5 June 2023  |  Admin

comfosan tackles smelly shoes, killing bacteria and eliminating odours. No Germs! No bad smells!

1 August 2022  |  Admin
Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nail affects around 10% of the general population and whilst they are not serious, they can make the nails look unsightly and take a long time to treat. Once an infection is established, they flourish in warm, damp environments so ditch those trainers this summer and banish that fungal nail infection for good with a fungal nail treatment!

6 September 2021
Tour of Britain

Oral health might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about cycling, but you may be surprised to know that 50% of athletes suffer from dental erosion and cavities. The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) UK recognises that severe dental infections can induce systemic inflammation and negatively affect training and performance for many months. Cyclists are no exception.

28 September 2020
The Wonders of Vitamin D

It’s that time of year when the leaves are starting to fall from the trees and articles on the importance of taking Vitamin D supplements seem to be everywhere. This year, Vitamin D has been getting more coverage than normal due to claims that being deficient of the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ may increase your risk from Covid-19. Whilst the stance of Public Health England (PHE) remains that there is insufficient evidence to support taking vitamin D supplements to prevent or treat Covid-19, there are some interesting observations from other parts of the World.

24 June 2020
What Face Mask Should I Wear?

As lockdown eases and we continue to live with coronavirus, many of us are considering wearing a face mask when we are out in public and social distancing becomes more difficult. At the time of writing, the BBC reports that face coverings have been made compulsory in England and Scotland when travelling on public transport and in Wales it is still a recommendation. It seems like the rules are constantly changing and the number of different types of masks feels over whelming. In this article below we summarise the two most important.



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